From August 26 to 29, 2021, the main event of the railway industry in the area 1520 mm will be held on the territory of the test railway loop JSC VNIIZHT (Moscow, Shcherbinka).
This year, the topic of the jubilee salon is Technology transformation and new ecological thinking.
The two-day business program is based on the study of several crossing tracks: sustainable development technologies, "green" technologies in industrial engineering, railway transport in agglomerations, digitalization, localization of production and quality standards, new construction technologies, and innovative development.
Industry leaders, leading experts, as well as representatives of the railway community will share their knowledge, experience and cases. The Director General-Chairman of the Management Board of JSC Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov, Director General of the International Union of Railways (UIC) Francois Davenne, Director General of JSC Transmashholding Kirill Lipa, Director General of Siemens Mobility Michael Peter, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Sinara-Transport Machines Alexander Misharin, President of SNCF International, Director of SNCF GROUP Diego Diaz will take part in opening plenary session.
Within the framework of the first-day discussions, the topics of sustainable development in the railway industry, scientific and technological progress as a catalyst for the development of railway engineering will be considered. The discussions focus on new trends in international transport corridors, gas and hydrogen traction, digital railway twins.
The events of the second day are devoted to the environmental strategies formation of railway companies in Russia and foreign countries, unmanned trains, railway transport in agglomerations, construction of the upper structure of the track, localization, and transfer of future technologies, as well as innovative development priorities.
About 10 events are planned within the framework of the business program: discussions, debates, round tables, awards, and agreement execution. More than 70 Russian and foreign speakers will take part in offline and online discussions.
Traditionally, the PRO //Motion.Expo platform will be open to everyone on the Open Road Day. Entertainment events for the whole family, train shows, master classes and quizzes with memorable prizes will be available for two whole days on August 28 and 29!
The salon will take place taking into account compliance with anti-epidemic measures. To access the salon site on August 26 and 27, it is obligatory to have a certificate that confirms the negative result of PCR test for a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), conducted no more than 72 hours before participating in the event. The scan of the negative PCR test has to be uploaded to your personal account. A certificate confirming the result of a PCR test has to be issued only by a laboratory accredited by Rospotrebnadzor.
Any of the documents will be valid for access to the salon site on August 28 and 29: a QR code after vaccination, a QR code after a new coronavirus infection or a scan of a negative PCR test.
The program of the jubilee International Railway Salon space 1520 PRO//Motion.Expo and the rules of access to the site can be found on the official website: http://railwayexpo.ru/ru/